“… lean, well-structured script paints a lively, poignant portrait of the contrasts between youth and early middle age … Noone has a grand sense of the musicality of language, and the unself-conscious lyricism of his dialogue makes the ride all the more enjoyable.”
—Show Business Weekly

The Story
I wanted to tell a story about two people who drove across America and watch as they fall in love as they bond over their experience. I wanted those two people to then meet ten years later for the first time since they left each other on their trip. I was interested in seeing how they changed and where they had ended up compared to where they thought they might have ended up.
I was interested in watching their love grow and if that love had disappeared after 10 years. Most of all I wanted the play to flick switches in an audience’s mind that made them think about their first love, what might have been. I wanted the play to resonate with them as they found moments in the play that reminded them of that one person they had an amazing shared experience with and what would happen if you had the opportunity to relive it again.
Title The Compass Rose
Produced by
Newton Nomadic Theatre, Boston
Fat Violet Theatre, New York, Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival
Casting/Production Comments
Of course The Compass Rose could be played in a theatre but the idea of it playing in an actual bar is much more attractive. It gives you the feeling that you are listening in on someone’s secrets as the play goes on around you. Plus it gives the pub goer a good feeling as they fill the craving in their soul for a little piece of art while drinking a pint.
Nice Things People Have Said
“The Compass Rose is also funny,
laugh-out-loud funny.”
— Usher Nonsense
“… a memorable experience
worth seeking out.”
— Theatremania